Sylvia Sandelo smiles holding a handmade bracelet at the Piedmont Senior Resources (PSR) Friendship Café at the SCOPE Building on Griffin Boulevard. Seniors across the seven-county area will create their own this week.
Creating beautiful jewelry has never been easier at Piedmont Senior Resources Area Agency on Aging’s (PSRAAA) Friendship Cafes.
This week, March 5-9, at each of PSRAAA’s eight café sites, seniors are making bracelets, necklaces and other forms of jewelry out of beads.
“This activity stimulates our seniors’ minds and hands,” said PSRAAA Director of Nutrition and Transportation Jordan Miles, “enabling them to keep their motor skills sharp so they can not only be creative, but apply these same skills to their daily routines in and outside of their homes.”
Site coordinators — paid, professional PSRAAA staff — guide and aide the seniors as they create their unique bracelets and in their other planned activities.
Friendship cafes are located in Buckingham, Amelia, Cumberland, Charlotte, Lunenburg, Nottoway and Prince Edward counties. Locations can be found online at
“Also this month we will have Allison Crews of natural pHuel discuss the topic of ‘Feeding ourselves through spirit, mind and body’ with our seniors,” Miles said.

Pictured is a bracelet made by a senior at one of eight Piedmont Senior Resources’ friendship cafes across the region.
In addition, seniors will create Shamrock Mobiles using green yarn and construction paper — hanging small cut-out shamrocks onto the yarn in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day. This activity will be held during the week of March 12.
“This safe, hands-on activity allows seniors to become artists as they create small mobiles they can either take home to hang in their houses, of give them to a friend or loved one,” Miles said regarding the activity. “This is one of many hands-on activities we invite area seniors to partake in at our very accessible and easy-to-find friendship cafes across the area.”
Seniors age 60 and older are invited to the eight friendship cafes held be PSRAAA. For more information, call Jordan Miles at 434-767-5588, email or visit