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Our Team

PSR offers direct care services, protection, and education for individuals aged 60+ in the seven-county Piedmont Health District. Our team helps navigate the aging process, including non-emergency medical transportation, Medicare insurance assistance, social gatherings, meal delivery, at-home assistance and more.
Our team

General Contact Information​

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation hotline: 1-866-392-8432

Program/Services Contact

Justine Young, ext. 300, jyoung@psraaa.org / Executive Director Geoff Angle, ext. 1100, gangle@psraaa.org / Director of Medical Transportation, Nutrition, Transportation April Ross, ext. 700, aross@psraaa.org / VICAP / Care Coordinator Jamie Anderson, ext. 600, janderson@psraaa.org / Homemaker Program Manager Brandon Akers, ext. 900, bakers@psraaa.org / Nutrition and Congregate Claire Furber, ext. 500, cfurber@psraaa.org / Office Coordinator Laura Gaston, ext. 200, lgaston@psraaa.org / Care Coordination Nikki Dean, ext. 1000, ndean@psraaa.org / Nutrition, Congregate Renata Bruszewska Sharnick, ext. 800, rbruszewska@psraaa.org / Director of Programs Almonique (Alma) Watson, awatson@psraaa.org / Assistant Nutrition Coordinator Jennifer Wall, ext. 1400,  434-394-4215, jwall@psraaa.org / Ombudsman Lucy Klaus, ext. 400, lklaus@psraaa.org/ Manager Human Resources Mary Irving, ext. 1509, mirving@psraaa.org / Transportation Assistant Jameka Elliott, ext. 1200 jelliott@psraaa.org / Community Health Worker Connie Carter, ext. 1509 ccarter@psraaa.org / Transportation Assistant Andrijana (Ana) Reljic, 434-414-6140, areljic@psraaa.org / Financial Manager / Agency Accountant