PSR Pet Walk

There will be food, craft and corporate vendors, a photo booth, 50/50 raffle drawing, silent auction, pet costume contest, group pet walk, and more.
Admission is FREE for the event.
Participation in the group pet walk and costume contest are $10/walker per animal. All pets are welcome! Pets must remain leashed and owners are responsible for cleanup.

PSR Pet Walk 2024 Sponsor Information

Sponsorship Levels
Platinum Sponsor ($1,000)
- 1 Vendor Space
- 2 Promotional Yard Signs (1 at Food Court and 1 by Road)
- 4 Walker Admission Tickets
- Recognized at the Event
- Your Logo on All Promotional Items
- Logo on Pet Program Page of PSR Website for 1 Year
- Featured as Platinum Sponsor in PSR Newsletter Distributed to 300+ People
- Mention of Sponsorship on Radio Advertisements and Live Broadcasts
- Featured in News’s Releases, Social Media, and All Publications Printed After Time of Sponsorship
Gold Sponsor ($500)
- 1 Vendor Space
- 2 Promotional Yard Signs (1 at Food Court and 1 by Road)
- 2 Walker Admission Tickets
- Recognized at Event
- Your Logo on All Promotional Material
- Featured as Gold Sponsor in PSR Newsletters Distributed to 300+ People
- Featured in News Releases, Social Media, and All Publications Printed After Time of Sponsorship
Silver Sponsor ($250)
- 1 Promotional Yard Sign by Road
- 1 Walker Admission Ticket
- Recognized at Event
- Your Logo on All Promotional Material
- Featured in News Releases, Social Media, and All Publications Printed After Time of Sponsorship
Bronze Sponsor ($100)
- Your Logo on All our Promotional Material
- Featured in News Releases, Social Media, and All Publications Printed After Time of Sponsorship

All proceeds benefit the PSR Pet Love Program providing pet food, supplies, and veterinary care assistance to low-income older adults in Amelia, Buckingham, Charlotte, Cumberland, Lunenburg, Nottoway, and Prince Edward Counties!
Sponsorship Form
Sponsorship Level
___ $1,000 Platinum
___ $500 Gold
___ $250 Silver
___ $100 Bronze
___ $50 Corporate Vendor
___ $25 Craft Vendor

Contact Information
Authorized by (Print Name)
Authorized Signature

To Pay by Check: Please Print Sponsorship Form above. Make all checks payable to “Piedmont Senior Resources” and in memo section put “Pet Program”.
For more questions or information, contact Nikki Dean at or at 434-767-5588 or 434-694-8916.