Legal Services
Piedmont Senior Resources contracts with the Virginia Legal Aid Society (VLAS) in Farmville to provide free civil legal services to area senior citizens. The attorneys and elderly services paralegal at VLAS can assist older persons with legal problems in the areas of Medicare/Medicaid, Social Security and SSI, SNAP and other public benefits, housing, family abuse, and advance directives. VLAS’ intake paralegals are also available by telephone at (866) 534-5243 to take applications for legal assistance and provide legal advice on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.

As defined in the Older Americans act, legal assistance is for persons aged 60+ “in social or economic need.” The Act further specifies that services be particularly targeted to older individuals with greatest economic need; with greatest social need; at risk for institutional placement; with limited English proficiency; low-income minority older individuals; and those residing in rural areas.
Legal assistance is not provided for:
- Any criminal matter;
- Any civil action involving post criminal conviction relief;
- Any action concerning euthanasia or abortion;
- Any strike, boycott, picketing or demonstration;
- Any illegal activity
For More Information
For more information, please contact Renata Plonski: 434-767-5588 or