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Miles joins Piedmont Senior Resources

FARMVILLE — Jordan Miles has joined a team dedicated to helping care for seniors across the Heart of Virginia.

Miles has been named nutrition and transportation manager at Piedmont Senior Resources Area Agency on Aging (PSRAAA), located in its new offices at 1413 South Main Street in the Shoppes at College Park in Farmville.

Miles, the former managing editor and journalist for The Farmville Herald, The Charlotte Gazette, The Kenbridge-Victoria Dispatch and Farmville the Magazine, will oversee the agency’s nutrition and transportation program.

“I’m thrilled to join the team of hard working drivers, site coordinators, administrative staff and everyone who makes PSRAAA the agency it is — one striving to keep seniors in their homes while living healthy, secure and happy,” Miles said.

“There are many reasons I sought this position at PSRAAA, but the paramount one was giving back to a part of our community that often gets neglected,” Miles said. “This agency does a great deal for seniors in Amelia, Buckingham, Cumberland, Charlotte, Lunenburg, Farmville, Prince Edward and Nottoway through its home-delivered meals program, Friendship Cafes, homemaker assistance and the numerous other programs that seniors benefit from. I consider myself very fortunate to work for an agency that offers so much care and compassion at no cost to the seniors.”

Miles points to his inspiration to see that seniors are cared for in his growing up in rural Buckingham County, where he remains active in community affairs. Miles serves as senior warden of Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Glenmore, on the board of directors of the Buckingham Chamber of Commerce and is a member of the Buckingham Lion’s Club.

“PSR is thrilled to have Jordan Miles join the team. He brings great knowledge and love of our community,” said PSRAAA Executive Director Justine A. Young. “His passion for the elderly will be a great match with PSR’s goals. Jordan has the personality and love of people that will draw additional support for this agency, stimulate growth and expand the services we provide. We look forward to embarking on this journey with Jordan.” 

PSRAAA provides supportive services and advocates for persons 60 years of age and older. The agency is a private, nonprofit agency serving residents of Amelia, Buckingham, Charlotte, Cumberland, Lunenburg, Nottoway and Prince Edward counties.   

Piedmont Senior Resources provides advocacy, health and nutrition services, home delivered meals, congregate meals at senior centers, information and referral services, in-home services, legal services and Medicare and insurance guidance to seniors. PSRAAA’s services are designed to help seniors lead independent lives and remain safely in their homes. ​

​The agency is funded primarily through the Older Americans Act. Funding is also received from other sources, including local counties and donations from corporations, small businesses and individuals. 

To reach Miles, visit PSRAAA’s South Main Street office, email jmiles@PSRAAA.org, or call (434) 767-5588 or (434) 394-8044.

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