Piedmont Senior Resources Area Agency on Aging (PSR) is rolling out new programs in response to the continued health threats and risks stemming from COVID-19.
PSR staff and volunteers will soon be transporting and purchasing staple grocery items and prescription medications for older adults in an effort to keep those most vulnerable to COVID-19 in their homes.
“Thanks to the funding in the CARES Act from the Congress, our agency is in a great position to initiate some new, out of the box, programming that will result in fewer older adults having to go out to the stores and pharmacies, thereby exposing themselves to the virus,” said PSR Interim CEO Thomas Jordan Miles III. “We’ve got staff and volunteers who are ready and willing to pick up the groceries and their prescription drugs and work with our clients, while identifying up new clients.”
Volunteers are needed to purchase, shop and deliver both groceries and medicine.
Miles said there is specific criteria for both the grocery and medicine programs.
“As for the grocery pick up program, the client will be provided a standard approved list of grocery options to be picked up from selected grocery stores. We will shop once a month for each client, using gift cards with a maximum spending amount.”
Older adults must call PSR at least seven business days in advance of their requested drop off date, and the client must be home to receive the groceries.
“As for the medicine program, the client must call PSR at least ten (10) business days in advance of their requested prescription pickup date,” Miles said.
In addition to the client being home to receive the medication, the client must contact their pharmacist and confirm with them that a PSR staff member or volunteer will be paying and picking up medications. If not confirmed, medication will not be picked up. The PSR staff member or volunteer will confirm with client’s pharmacist that they will be in to pay and pick up medications.
In response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, PSR has received more than $730,000 in federal aid to help keep older adults at safe and secure. The money was approved by the U.S. Congress through the Families First Coronavirus Act (FFCRA) and the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
The medicine and grocery programs begins June 1 and are available to older adults age 60 and older in Amelia, Buckingham, Charlotte, Cumberland, Lunenburg, Nottoway and Prince Edward counties. For more information on the program or to sign up as a volunteer, contact Laura Gaston at 434-767-5588, or email lgaston@psraaa.org.